All too often,
especially in the past,
we have hated the sin
and hated the sinner,
thus marginalizing
entire races of peoples,
and this is neither good,
nor true, nor beautiful.
in our upside-down
politically correct world,
we love the sin
and love the sinner,
thus glorifying everything,
and standing up for nothing,
and this is neither good,
nor true, nor beautiful.
Sometimes our world
is even more diabolical,
and we love the sin
and hate the sinner,
thus leading to the persecution
and martyrdom
of many, many Christians,
and this is neither good,
nor true, nor beautiful.
But sometimes,
by the grace of God,
we get it right:
we hate the sin
and love the sinner;
this is very, very good,
this is very, very true,
this is very, very beautiful.