TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 15 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Here's another consideration on how to deal with dryness in prayer. When we pray, do we follow the prayers silently in our minds? If we do, then perhaps reading them out loud may help us even more. I find that this really helps me, even if I speak in the softest whisper.

But, at the same time, I want to read my prayers with emphasis, as if Jesus, or Our Lady, or the saints were speaking directly to me (which they are). I want to read my prayers with conviction, as if I were pouring out my heart and soul in speaking directly to them (which I am).

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 15" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 14 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Again, as we're nearing the halfway point in our journey, it's not uncommon to experience dryness in our prayer. But we shouldn't allow ourselves to be troubled by this. Some of the great saints, such as St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Mother Teresa, experienced long periods of dryness in their prayer.

But this doesn't mean that we can't pray more effectively if we've experienced dryness. For example, perhaps we might reflect upon the tempo of our prayers. If we're praying "HailMaryFullOfGraceTheLordIsWithThee," then we're essentially racing down the prayer freeway at 100 miles per hour -- and it's hard to enjoy the beautiful spiritual scenery that surrounds us when we're traveling so quickly. If that's the case with us, then maybe we're falling into the trap of "getting our prayers in" instead of getting into our prayers.

So maybe we can slow down our tempo to something more like this: "Hail Mary... full of grace... the Lord is with Thee..." By traveling at 65 miles per hour on the prayer freeway, we can still get to our destination in a reasonable amount of time while maximizing our appreciation for God's beauty that is all around us when we engage in meditative and/or contemplative prayer.

I've found that even moderating the tempo just the slightest little bit can make a very big difference for me -- and, actually, meditating upon the sacred art as I am praying really helps me with this. At times I have used the natural pause that is produced by a comma or a period by using that brief moment to glance at the sacred art.

By the way, for the rest of this week, you'll notice that the "Litany of the Saints" is optional; however, I would strongly encourage you to pray it all week, if you're able to do so. The litanies, because of their rhetorical (or intentional) repetition, can be wonderful for helping us gradually deepen our relationship with the communion of saints (though it may happen quite imperceptibly).

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 14" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 13 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Let me remind you about something I mentioned earlier, because as we near the midpoint of our journey, some might be tempted to throw in the towel and simply give up.

It's possible that the devil might be tempting us more strongly now because he knows -- better than we do -- that something fantastic may be right around the corner for us. Even the great St. John Vianney had this experience.

But whatever you do, don't give up! You have the opportunity to do one of the most beautiful things you've ever done in your life. So hang in there, and be patient with yourself, and also be patient with the process -- even if you feel you're not getting anything out of it. Again, don't judge this by how it makes you feel. The first time I made the Total Consecration, I really didn't feel anything, until Consecration Day.

So try to be courageous like St. Mother Teresa: be strong to the end! You can do it! I believe in your potential!

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 13" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 12 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Tomorrow we will take our prayer experience to the next level as we transition from "The Spirit of the World" to "Knowledge of Self." This will be a great opportunity to look more introspectively at ourselves -- honestly, openly, and with compassion. In other words, it will be a chance to look at the truth about ourselves, but with charity.

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 12" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 11 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

We're almost ready to conclude the first stage, whose theme is "The Spirit of the World," and we're so close to starting the second stage that I can almost taste it!

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 11" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 10 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Keep up the great work! In a few more days, we will complete the first stage of our journey and then take our prayer experience to the next level.

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 10" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 9 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Here is our artistic quote of the day:

"Authentic beauty, however, unlocks the yearning of the human heart, the profound desire to know, to love, to go towards the Other, to reach for the Beyond."

-- Pope Benedict XVI

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 9" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 8 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Here is our artistic quote of the day:

"The link between good and beautiful stirs fruitful reflection. In a certain sense, beauty is the visible form of the good, just as the good is the metaphysical condition of beauty."

-- St. John Paul II

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 8" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 7 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Here is our artistic quote of the day:

"Beauty, whether that of the natural universe or that expressed in art, precisely because it opens up and broadens the horizons of human awareness, pointing us beyond ourselves, bringing us face to face with the abyss of Infinity, can become a path towards the transcendent, towards the ultimate Mystery, towards God."

-- Pope Benedict XVI

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 7" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 6 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Here is our artistic quote of the day:

"Not all are called to be artists in the specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis has it, all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece."

-- St. John Paul II

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 6" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 5 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Here is another insightful quote on the arts by Pope Benedict XVI:

"However some artistic expressions are real highways to God, the supreme Beauty; indeed, they help us to grow in our relationship with him, in prayer. These are the works that were born from faith and express faith."

-- Pope Benedict XVI

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 5" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 4 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Since we've been combining holy prayer with inspiring sacred art, over the next week or so I'll share with you some inspiring quotes on the arts from Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. Here is an insightful quote by the former:

"In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art. Art must make perceptible, and as far as possible attractive, the world of the spirit, of the invisible, of God."

-- St. John Paul II

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 4" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +


The storm strikes!

It strikes suddenly,

and without warning.

Then lightning flashes in a frenzy

in the vast vault of the dark sky,

in the form of a frightening cross.

What am I to do?

I spiritually fall to my knees,

and I surrender to you, Jesus.

In that moment,

in my emotional pain,

my heart is wrenched

within me like your mother’s,

who wailed with woe

at the foot of the cold cross.

In that moment,

in my physical pain,

I suffer sorrowfully with you,

in the Agony in the Garden,

in the Scourging at the Pillar,

in the Crowning with Thorns,

in the Carrying of the Cross,

in the Crucifixion.

I remember that patience

is the companion of wisdom.

And I realize that I am

so focused on the cross

that I forget that the resurrection

is right around the corner,

though I cannot yet see the Light.

San Filippo Neri reminds me

that when Our Blessed Lord

came into this wacky world,

He had the divine sense of humor.

And I think of the multitudes

in the courts of Heaven,

chortling and guffawing,

observing me feeble futile efforts

to conquer the cross alone,

which ultimately results in a

Shakespearean comedy of errors.

I remember that true joy

is Divine Mercy in the dark night.

Goodness and Truth show me

that Beauty is drawing near --

I begin to see the Light,

and feel His holy warmth.

O Merciful Master,

thank you for saving me,

thank you for loving me so much,

thank you for teaching me faith.

Jesus, I trust in you!


TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 3 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Right about now I expect that there may be some people who are beginning to question whether or not they should continue the journey that will culminate in a Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. I say this because that's the way the devil seems to work with me. He always seems to try to discourage me and convince me that it's a lost cause.

But whatever you do, don't give up! You have the opportunity to do one of the most beautiful things you've ever done in your life. So hang in there, and be patient with yourself, and also patient with the process -- even if you feel you're not getting anything out of it. Don't judge this by how it makes you "feel." The first time I made the Total Consecration, I really didn't feel anything, until Consecration Day.

So try to be courageous like St. Maximilian Kolbe: be strong to the end! You can do it! I believe in your potential!

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little bit and please read the instructions entitled "How to Pray with the Book," "How to Pray without the Book," and "The Benefit of Praying with Sacred Art"

3. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 3" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 2 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

Since we are still at the beginning of our "Pilgrimage of Prayer," I recommend that we make a plan for when and where we will pray. I always try to give time to the Lord as early as I can in the day, because when I don't, the devil always seems to throw everything but the kitchen sink at me, in an effort to wear me down and prevent me from completing my mission of prayer. Remember the wise words of St. Paul: "...resist the devil, and he will take flight" (James 4:7).

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little bit and please read the instructions entitled "How to Pray with the Book," "How to Pray without the Book," and "The Benefit of Praying with Sacred Art"

3. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 2" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +

TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 1 OF 33 by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

We're finally here. Welcome to Day One of the Total Consecration!

That means it’s time to pray the beautiful and powerful preparation for total consecration to Jesus through Mary, according to St. Louis de Montfort. 

Prayer, as we know, is very simply a conversation, almost a holy fireside chat, with those we love in Heaven. Therefore, it's important that we try to speak from the heart and also listen with attentiveness.

In the "Litany of the Holy Name" and the "Invocation of the Holy Spirit" (which we will pray today), we are invited to speak from the heart to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, in the Scripture reading from St. Paul and the reflection by St. Louis de Montfort (which we will also read today), we are invited to listen with attentiveness as these two saints teach us and impart to us their tremendous wisdom.

By the way, you will notice in the book (and on my website) that most of the prayers are listed as "required," while others are listed as "optional." I highly recommend that you read those optional prayers, if your schedule permits. For instance, I've observed that, over time, praying the "Litany of the Holy Name" while meditating upon Murillo's The Marriage Feast at Cana has noticeably deepened my own personal relationship with Jesus. I think that coupling the litanies with sacred art can be especially powerful.

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little bit and please read the instructions entitled "How to Pray with the Book," "How to Pray without the Book," and "The Benefit of Praying with Sacred Art"

3. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 1" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


+ + +


The Father & The Son: Luminous Mysteries

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.

The Incarnation & The Nativity: Joyful Mysteries

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, And born of the Virgin Mary.

The Passion: Sorrowful Mysteries

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead.

The Resurrection & The Ascension: Glorious Mysteries

On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, And is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

The Divine Plan: Merciful Mysteries

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.



Our Lady

Hail Mary, Full of grace,

Our Lord

The Lord is with thee,

Our Lady

Blessed art thou among women,

Our Lord

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Our Lady

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

The Mediatrix

Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death.



Kneeling in Humility Before the Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed by Thy name.

Surrendering to the Father

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven.

Hungering for the Bread of Life

Give us this day our daily bread,

Living Divine Mercy

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.

Avoiding the Near Occasion of Sin

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.




SACRED ART: "The Coronation of the Virgin" by Pedro de Calabria


Kneeling in Humility Before the Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed by Thy name.

Surrendering to the Father

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven.

Hungering for the Bread of Life

Give us this day our daily bread,

Living Divine Mercy

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.

Avoiding the Near Occasion of Sin

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.



Our Lady

Hail Mary, Full of grace,

Our Lord

The Lord is with thee,

Our Lady

Blessed art thou among women,

Our Lord

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Our Lady

Holy Mary,

Our Lord

Mother of God,

The Mediatrix

Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death.



The Father & The Son: Luminous Mysteries

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.

The Incarnation & The Nativity: Joyful Mysteries

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, And born of the Virgin Mary.

The Passion: Sorrowful Mysteries

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead.

The Resurrection & The Ascension: Glorious Mysteries

On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, And is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

The Divine Plan: Merciful Mysteries

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.



SACRED ART: "Jesus in the House of Annas" by José de Madrazo y Aged

(For optimal viewing, click once on the minus sign to the right and then once on the plus sign)

Recite the following prayer once:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.

Recite the following prayer ten times:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


SACRED ART: "Mocking of Christ" by Carl Bloch

Recite the following prayer once:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.

Recite the following prayer ten times:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


SACRED ART: "Christ Falls on the Way to Calvary” by Raphael

(For optimal viewing, click twice on the minus sign to the right, then once on the plus sign)

Recite the following prayer once:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.

Recite the following prayer ten times:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


SACRED ART: "Crucifixion" by Frans Francken II

(For optimum viewing, click once on the painting)

Recite the following prayer once:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.

Recite the following prayer ten times:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


SACRED ART: "The Supper at Emmaus" by Peter Paul Rubens

(For optimal viewing, click once or twice on the minus sign to the right)

Recite the following prayer once:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.

Recite the following prayer ten times:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


SACRED ART: "Divine Mercy" by Eugeniusz Kazimirowski

(Left-click once on the painting to get a closer view)

Recite the following prayer three times:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us, And on the whole world.

Recite the following prayer once:

Eternal God, In whom mercy is endless, And the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, Look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, That in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, But with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, Which is Love and Mercy itself.