TOTAL CONSECRATION -- DAY 32 OF 33 / by Joe Castorino

Hi, everyone!

So what should we expect on Consecration Day? What will happen when we make our Act of Total Consecration?

Soon we will find out. The key for us is to pray the consecration prayer as sincerely and devoutly as we can, simply surrendering to Jesus through Mary. Some of us may feel nothing at all when we make our consecration, and that's perfectly fine. As I have mentioned to you before, we shouldn't judge the value of this devotion by feelings and emotions. We might feel nothing on the outside, but the Holy Spirit might be working wonders for us on the inside. 

Now, that being said, it's also possible that others of us might have a profoundly emotional experience. If we really and truly understand the words we're saying to Jesus and Mary in the Act of Total Consecration, then we may feel an outpouring of emotion unlike anything that we've ever experienced in our lives. 

However, regardless of what we experience, I firmly believe that, through Mary, Jesus will give each of us what we most need, whatever that is. He is never, ever outdone in generosity. He is never, ever outdone in divine mercy. So if we don't have an emotional experience, then we should simply accept it and say, "Jesus, I trust in You!" And if we do have an emotional experience, then, again, we should simply accept it in humility and say, "Jesus, I trust in You!"

One is absolutely as good as the other.

In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items: 

1. Click the following link to go to my website:

2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 32" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)

God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!


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