The Words of St. Francis de Sales
“The King of Glory
Does not reward his servants
According to the dignity
Of the offices they hold,
But according to
The love and humility
With which they fulfill
Their offices.”
The Words of St. Francis de Sales
“The King of Glory
Does not reward his servants
According to the dignity
Of the offices they hold,
But according to
The love and humility
With which they fulfill
Their offices.”
Inspired by the Saints
Following the guidance of
St. Francis de Sales, I pray:
Dearest Jesus,
King of Divine Mercy,
I place myself in your holy presence,
and I beseech you to inspire me
by the power of the Holy Spirit
for the glory of God the Father.
Vive Jésus!
Our Lady of Love
then comes to me,
and quoting the words
of St. Paul the Apostle,
she begins to prepare me
for the spiritual battle
and says to me,
Be filled with the Spirit,
singing to the Lord,
and giving thanks always.
Then, Our Lady,
smiling peacefully,
reminds me of the words
of San Padre Pio,
and says to me,
Prega e spera:
non agitarti.
non giova a nulla.
Iddio è misericordioso,
e ascolterà
la tua preghiera.
(Pray and hope:
don’t be agitated.
Agitation doesn’t help at all.
God is merciful,
and He will hear
your prayer.)
Our Lady then quotes
the words of St. John Paul II,
and joyfully says to me:
Non abbiate paura.
(Don’t be afraid.)
Then, Our Lady gives me
the kiss of peace
on each cheek
and continues,
with greater emphasis:
Non abbiate paura!
(Don’t be afraid!)
Our Lady then embraces me
with tender motherly love
and, echoing the words
of St. John Paul the Great,
she says to me:
I love you! I love you!
I love you! I love you!
Then, Our Lady does
what she does best:
she leads me to Jesus
and humbly says,
Fate quello que vi dirà.
(Do whatever He tells you.)
Our Lord of Love
then stands before me,
in gentleness,
and says to me,
Approach this Sea of Mercy
with great trust.
Then, Our Lady,
now at Jesus’ side,
speaks again,
and quoting St. Augustine,
she continues preparing me
for the spiritual battle
and kindly says to me,
is the companion
of wisdom.
Our Lady then reminds me
of the words of
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen,
and calmly says to me,
When Our Blessed Lord
came to this earth,
He had the divine
sense of humor.
Then, Our Lady speaks
in the spirit of
St. Francis of Assisi,
and wisely says to me,
True joy is divine mercy
in the dark night.
After doing all these things,
Our Lady kneels before Jesus,
and speaks the words of
St. Louis de Montfort’s consecration,
faithfully saying to Him:
Tuus totus ego sum,
et omnia mea tua sunt.
Then, sweetly kneeling
side-by-side with Our Lady,
I continue St. Louis’ prayer,
and I wholeheartedly say,
I am all yours, O my Jesus,
and all that I have is yours,
through Santa Maria,
your most holy mother.
Our Lady then turns
and speaks to me
the same words
that she spoke
to St. Faustina,
and, inspiring me,
she says,
Be courageous.
Do not fear
apparent obstacles,
but fix your gaze
on the Passion of my Son,
and in this way
you will be victorious.
At last, I find myself
transported in spirit to
The Sermon on the Mount,
and I hear Jesus,
The Divine Mercy,
speak sincerely
and lovingly to me,
and He says,
Come to me,
all you who are weary
and find life burdensome,
and I will refresh you.
Take my yoke
upon your shoulders
and learn from me,
for I am gentle
and humble of heart.
Your souls shall find rest,
for my yoke is easy,
and my burden light.
Guardian Angel, please pray for me,
Because the devil tempts us to obsess,
We must evade the evil of worldly idols,
And not dream of what to possess;
Thirsting for things can thicken anxiety,
Which can seem to never cease,
We struggle and tuggle with all our might,
And banished is all our peace.
The diabolical dragon swoops down,
Determined all good to destroy,
With the flaming fire of enslaving greed,
He seeks to kill all devotion and joy;
But as our trustworthy guide from Heaven,
With love you sing a sweet prayer,
And your petitions rise like a happy dove
Higher and higher up into the air.
When the evil one tries to pour words of
Corrosive poison into our innocent ears,
Teach us to think of the Lord Jesus crucified,
So that banished are all our fears;
When we dance with delight with temptation,
Help us the crucifix recall,
For the cross crushes the devil’s teeth,
And into hellish Styx he will fall.
Meditating on the gore of Golgotha,
Our hearts like tearful candles melt,
Knife-like nails puncture his palms,
And blood trickles to where Our Lady knelt;
Then our foolish obsessions are obliterated,
By the power of His holy love,
And we are magnificently made new,
By His grace flowing from above.
Trying to lure us into obsession,
The devil deceptively dangles his bait,
But seeing you push us out of harm’s way
Only fuels his mad fury and hate;
We escape the avalanche of avarice,
That can smash the soul like snow,
You lead us on a path filled with Light,
So that our life in the Spirit will grow.
Inspired by the Saints
Following the guidance of
St. Francis de Sales, I pray:
Dearest Jesus,
King of Divine Mercy,
I place myself in your holy presence,
and I beseech you to inspire me
by the power of the Holy Spirit
for the glory of God the Father.
Vive Jésus!
Our Lady of Love
then comes to me,
and quoting the words
of St. Paul the Apostle,
she says to me,
Be filled with the Spirit,
singing to the Lord,
and giving thanks always.
Then, Our Lady reminds me,
peacefully, of the words
of San Padre Pio,
and says to me,
Prega e spera:
non agitarti.
non giova a nulla.
Iddio è misericordioso,
e ascolterà
la tua preghiera.
(Pray and hope:
don’t be agitated.
agitation doesn’t help at all.
God is merciful,
and He will hear
your prayer.)
Our Lady then quotes
the words of St. John Paul II,
and joyfully says to me:
Non abbiate paura.
(Don’t be afraid.)
Then, Our Lady gives me
the kiss of peace
on both cheeks
and continues,
with greater emphasis:
Non abbiate paura!
(Don’t be afraid!)
Our Lady then embraces me
with tender motherly love
and, echoing the words
of St. John Paul the Great,
she says to me:
I love you! I love you!
I love you! I love you!
Then, Our Lady does
what she does best:
she leads me to Jesus
and humbly says,
Fate quello que vi dirà.
(Do whatever He tells you.)
Our Lord of Love
then appears to me,
in gentleness,
and says to me,
Approach this Sea of Mercy
with great trust.
Then, Our Lady,
standing at Jesus’ side,
speaks again,
and quoting St. Augustine,
she kindly says to me,
is the companion
of wisdom.
Our Lady then reminds me
of the words of
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen,
and, patiently,
she says to me,
When Our Blessed Lord
came to this earth,
He had the divine
sense of humor.
Next, Our Lady speaks
in the spirit of
St. Francis of Assisi,
and wisely says to me,
True joy is divine mercy
in the dark night.
After doing all these things,
Our Lady kneels before Jesus,
and speaking the words of
St. Louis de Montfort’s consecration,
she faithfully says to Him:
Tuus totus ego sum,
et omnia mea tua sunt.
Then, sweetly kneeling
side-by-side with Our Lady,
I continue St. Louis’ prayer,
and I wholeheartedly say,
I am all yours, O my Jesus,
and all that I have is yours,
through Santa Maria,
your most holy mother.
Our Lady then turns
and speaks to me
for one last time, and,
inspiring me, she says,
Be courageous.
Do not fear
apparent obstacles,
but fix your gaze
on the Passion of my Son,
and in this way
you will be victorious.
Finally, I find myself
transported in spirit to
The Sermon on the Mount,
and I hear Jesus,
The Divine Mercy,
speak sincerely
and lovingly to me,
and He says,
Come to me,
all you who are weary
and find life burdensome,
and I will refresh you.
Take my yoke
upon your shoulders
and learn from me,
for I am gentle
and humble of heart.
Your souls shall find rest,
for my yoke is easy,
and my burden light.
The Holy Spirit
Is very much like
A sweet beautiful
Monarch butterfly
That is full of Love:
It glides in peace
Upon the swirling breeze
Of heavenly happiness,
And delightfully dances
With indescribable joy,
Bobbing up and down,
And to and fro,
Often unpredictably,
For the wind blows
Where it wills.
Vince Lombardi: “Never, ever, ever, ever give up!”
Just as
there is
no sin
so also
there is
no person
a saint.
I have a tendency to
overreact to things,
to immediately assume
the worst, out of fear;
but Our Lady is teaching me
that I need to be patient --
since patience, as St. Augustine said,
is the companion of wisdom,
and so, when an accident happens,
I take fear, and I promptly surrender it
to Our Lady, so that she can place
it at the foot of the cross,
until with a calmer mind
I can bring it before the King
in my private audience with Him,
and allow Him to guide me;
in the meantime,
I am resolved to
have the divine sense of humor,
knowing in my heart
that the Divine Mercy
will never let me down:
patience leads to good humor,
and good humor leads to
divine mercy in the dark night.
The Spirit of Love
Awakens in my heart
Like holy fire,
Burning away impurities,
Enlightening my mind,
Sweetening my soul.
The Holy Spirit
Is very much like
A sweet beautiful
Monarch butterfly
That is full of Love:
It glides in peace
Upon the swirling breeze
Of heavenly happiness,
And delightfully dances
With indescribable joy,
Bobbing up and down,
And to and fro,
Often unpredictably,
For the wind blows
Where it wills.
The Holy Spirit
Is very much like
A sweet beautiful
Monarch butterfly
That is full of Love:
It glides calmly upon the
Swirling breeze of
Heavenly happiness,
And delightfully dances
With indescribable joy,
Bobbing up and down,
And to and fro,
Often unpredictably,
For the wind blows
Where it wills.
In silence,
I long to hear
God’s Word,
And feel
God’s presence;
So when worry wails,
When anxiety assails,
I remember that God
Smiles upon us,
And holds the world
Like a precious pearl
In His holy hands.
Most sweet Lord Jesus,
pierce my inmost heart
with the most dear
and most bracing
wound of your love.
Pierce it with true, sincere,
apostolic, and most holy charity,
that my soul may ever yearn
and melt with love for you
and the desire to possess you.
May my soul be drawn toward you,
and overwhelmed with the hope
of entering your courts.
May it long to be dissolved
and to be with you.
Grant that my soul
may hunger for you,
the Bread of Angels
and the food of holy souls,
our supersubstantial Bread,
having in itself every sweetness
and good taste,
having the delightfulness
of all that charms my heart.
May my heart always long for you,
and find its nourishment in you,
on whom the angels long to gaze,
and may my inmost heart be filled
with the sweetness of your savor.
May my heart thirst for you,
the fountain of life, and of wisdom
and of knowledge, and of eternal life,
the torrent of pleasure, and the richness
of the house of God.
May my heart always draw near to you,
seek you, catch sight of you,
be drawn to you, and arrive at your presence.
May my heart think of you, speak of you,
and do all that it does for the glory of your name,
with humility and care and affection and delight,
with eagerness and with deep feeling,
and with perseverance to the end.
Thus may you alone always be my hope,
all my confidence, my joy, my rest
and my tranquility, my peace,
all that charms me; my fragrance,
my sweetness, my food, my nourishment,
my refuge, my help, my wisdom,
my portion, my possession, my treasure.
In you may my mind and my heart
be fixed and secure and rooted
forever without any change.
When there is a crash on the
Superhighway of sensations,
Time painfully slows down,
And we live in boredom,
Crawling lethargically along,
Bumper to bumper,
In the dreadful dullness
Of the traffic jam of life.
When we are behind schedule
In the crowded city of Chaos,
Time urgently speeds up,
And we live in anxiety,
Racing with our hair on fire,
Chasing and being chased,
In the nail-biting frenzy
Of the rat race of life.
But when there’s surrender,
And we give our lives to Him,
Time dissolves into eternity,
Love smiles upon us —
Then, nothing else matters,
We are attached to the Vine,
And our little branches are full
Of the sweet fruit of the Spirit!
As Jesus sits at table,
He lovingly shares with us
Clusters of nine grapes,
One for each fruit of the Spirit;
We eat them and they are
Sweeter than moscato,
And they lovingly burst forth in
Wonderful fireworks of flavor;
But then we see others in need
At the far end of the table,
And so, in Love, we share
Our delightful fruit with them too,
So that Love is all in all,
And the more we share this
Most excellent fruit with others,
The more Jesus shares it with us.
Carrying my cross,
I take lumbering steps
up the steep mountain;
I grumble with every step,
like Job, wondering why
the Lord is asking me
to shuffle along, dragging
this heavy wood with me
wherever I go.
But then I come to
a dangerously deep
crevasse that threatens
to end my journey,
and even with a
giant Herculean leap,
I know that I would fall
down, down, down,
into the black throat
of the abyss below.
Suddenly, a white Dove
darts right past me,
causing me to jump back
from the edge of the cliff;
as I do so, the cross falls
forward so that its top
now rests on the other side,
forming a wooden bridge.
After I carefully crawl
to the other side,
I look back at the cross,
wondering if I should
kick it down over
the edge of the cliff,
but, instead, I choose
to slowly pick it up,
embrace it, and
faithfully follow
in the footsteps of Jesus.
Your beautiful
Mystical poetry
Warms my heart,
And your lovely
Musical compositions
Delight my spirit;
Your wonderful
Artistic creations
Are far sweeter than
The most delicious
Moscato wine,
And when I drink in
The glory of God,
My contemplative soul
Peacefully rejoices.
Prayer After Mass
Pierce, O most sweet Lord Jesus,
My inmost soul with the most joyous
And healthful wound of your love,
And with true, calm, and most holy apostolic charity,
That my soul may ever languish and melt
With entire love and longing for you,
May yearn for you and for your courts,
May long to be dissolved and to be with you.
Grant that my soul may hunger after you,
The Bread of Angels,
The refreshment of holy souls,
Our daily and super substantial bread,
Having all sweetness and savor
And every delightful taste.
May my heart ever hunger after
And feed upon you,
Whom the angels desire to look upon,
And may my inmost soul be filled
With the sweetness of your savor;
May it ever thirst for you,
The fountain of life,
The fountain of wisdom and knowledge,
The fountain of eternal light,
The torrent of pleasure,
The fullness of the house of God;
May it ever surround you,
Seek you, find you,
Run to you, come up to you,
Meditate on you, speak of you,
And do all for the praise and glory of your name,
With humility and discretion,
With love and delight,
With ease and affection,
With perseverance to the end;
And be you alone ever my hope,
My entire confidence, my riches,
My delight, my pleasure, my joy,
My rest and tranquility, my peace,
My sweetness, my food, my refreshment,
My refuge, my help, my wisdom,
My portion, my possession, my treasure;
May my mind be ever fixed on you,
And may my heart be ever firm
And rooted in you immovably.
Inspired by Pope St. John Paul II
Saint ____,
pray for me,
pray for us,
for all of us,
You are The Vine,
and I am a little branch.
When I am proud,
I stubbornly cut myself
off from you, Lord,
and I remain in self-love,
without your grace
my branch dries up
and my fruit shrivels,
as my soul slowly dies.
But when I am humble,
I remain in your love,
and your delicious grace
surges through me and
thus my fruit sweetens,
as I am born again.
I am just a little branch,
but you are The Vine.
Inspired by St. Francis de Sales
A Joyful Mystery
As I arrive at the church,
angels with beautiful
trumpet-like voices
announce to us
the coming of the Lord --
here, now, today;
He and Our Lady
will come to visit us,
and our sleepy souls
will be wonderfully reborn;
Joseph and Mary
will present us to Him,
and we will find Him
in the deepest depths
of our hearts.
A Luminous Mystery
Afterwards, the holy Word
is lovingly proclaimed,
and our spirits are sweetly
baptized by Divine Mercy;
we drink deeply of the
new wine of the Spirit,
and our lives are
forever transfigured
by the Light of the Word
and, in a very short time,
by the most Holy Eucharist.
A Sorrowful Mystery
But then, we experience
the beauty of the Last Supper,
but also Jesus’ sorrowful Passion,
and we recognize that it is we,
and not Our Blessed Lord,
who deserves to be executed and exiled;
as the priest slowly raises the Host,
we see Him, hanging cruelly on the cross,
crowned with crooked thorns,
and crushed under the weight
of our sins, and the multitudinous sins
of everyone, everywhere,
in all of human history.
A Glorious Mystery
However, we ultimately experience
Divine Mercy in the dark night:
as we very humbly kneel
and wait at the communion rail,
the good God comes to us! --
we taste the glory of Heaven
on earth, and our spirit
resurrects from the grave
of our pride and selfishness,
as we experience divine union
with the Divine Mercy;
after returning to our places,
we offer sincere prayers that
ascend to the highest Heaven
on the wings of happy angels,
and then the Holy Spirit descends
silently into our souls,
freely and generously giving us
His delicious and delightful fruit:
love and joy and peace;
and so, as we are assumed into
the compassionate calm
of God’s holy presence,
we feel the Queen of Love
sweetly smiling upon us all.