Hi, everyone!
Today we begin the next stage of our journey as we focus on "Knowledge of Mary." The saints and angels in Heaven are rejoicing because they know that we're getting within striking distance of making our Act of Total Consecration -- so please don't give up now! It would be like playing in Game 7 of the World Series and then suddenly deciding to quit. Remember, we have the opportunity to do one of the most beautiful things that we've ever done in our lives.
So hang in there, and be patient with yourself, and also be patient with the process -- even if you feel like you're not getting anything out of it. Yes, I will repeat this yet again: please don't judge this by how it makes you feel! The first time I made the Total Consecration, I really didn't feel anything -- until Consecration Day.
By the way, you'll notice that the Holy Rosary is an optional prayer over the next several days. However, on Day 26 it will be a required prayer (I'm sharing this with you in advance so that you'll be prepared to carve out more prayer time on that day).
Traditionally, the Joyful Mysteries are prayed on Mondays and Saturdays, the Sorrowful Mysteries are prayed on Tuesdays and Fridays, the Luminous Mysteries are prayed on Thursdays, and the Glorious Mysteries are prayed on Sundays and Wednesdays.
If you wish to pray the Holy Rosary with classic sacred art, then please click on the following link:
At the top of this page you will find the Joyful Mysteries, then underneath you will also find the Luminous Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, and Glorious Mysteries (in that order).
In order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items:
1. Click the following link to go to my website:
2. Scroll down a little farther and click the link entitled "Total Consecration: Day 20" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)
God bless you, and may Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, sweetly shower God's graces upon you!
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