Hi, everyone!
Our "Mission of Divine Mercy" is almost complete! For the last nine days -- including today -- we have been praying the magnificent Divine Mercy Novena, which will culminate tomorrow on Divine Mercy Sunday, the great Feast of Mercy.
By the way, I hope the sacred art has been as inspiring for you as it has been for me. For those of you who have been viewing the paintings on your smartphone, I would encourage you to treat yourself by viewing the sacred art on your computer. The paintings can come much more alive this way, and you may find that your meditation is even more profound.
So, as we approach the finish line, let's picture a splendid heavenly stadium where we see Our Lord and Our Lady, smiling because they see how much we want to do God's will. The stadium is filled with all the saints and angels, who are happily cheering us on. Tomorrow we will experience Jesus' indescribable love for us on Divine Mercy Sunday! Yes, we're almost there -- I can almost taste it!
So in order to find the prayers, as well as the links to magnificent sacred art, please do the following items:
1. Click the following link:
2. Scroll down a little further and click the link entitled "Divine Mercy Novena: Day 9" (this will take you to the prayers and the sacred art)
If you have any questions, then please let me know. I'm always happy to help if I can.
God bless you, and may the magnificent and dazzling light of Divine Mercy always shine brightly in your hearts!