A Tribute to St. John Paul II
The dark one whispers fear
Into my restless ear,
In his wicked black cauldron,
He tries to stir up trouble
To totally burst my bubble,
He seduces me with his
Black lies and accusations,
Again and again and again;
If I choose to listen to him,
Then my heart is paralyzed
By a lightning bolt of terror,
And, like Adam and Eve,
I rashly point my finger,
Blaming, complaining,
Sucked into the tempest
Of temptation and sin.
But if I follow the Divine Dove,
The Wind of the Spirit blows
Sweetly towards Our Lady of Love,
And there -- ah, yes! -- there,
I hand her my fears, unhesitatingly,
And she prayerfully brings them
To the Divine Jeweler who
Transfigures them into
Breathtakingly beautiful gemstones
That reflect His magnificent light,
And thus, fear is annihilated,
As Light scatters the darkness,
As Perfect Love drives out fear:
Jesus, I trust in You!