With murderous
Menacing eyes,
Blitzing linebackers
Aggressively attack
The line of scrimmage
With their worldly temptations,
And threaten to tackle me hard
And intercept my attempts
To remain in Jesus’ love,
So I quickly step back
Into the crumbling pocket,
And though distracted
By the waving arms
Of the wild intruders,
I place myself in His presence,
I beseech Him to help me,
I pray, hope, and don’t worry,
I am courageous and not afraid,
I do whatever He tells me,
I come to Him and I am refreshed,
I am filled with the Spirit,
I joyfully sing to the Lord,
I give thanks to Him always,
I focus on the fruit of the Spirit,
I have the divine sense of humor,
I surrender all to Him,
I fix my gaze on the Passion,
I know that God conquers all,
So I throw a prayer of love
With all my might
High into the Heavens,
Confident that Our Lady will
Snatch it from all the defenders,
Which she always does;
She leaps ever so high into the air,
Like the most elegant ballerina,
Making the Immaculate Reception,
Then she flies like an angel
Down the sideline and
Kneels in the end zone,
Bringing my heartfelt prayer
Before our Lord and King.