As I begin the day,
My guardian angel
Turns over the hourglass,
So now I have a full hour
To start my day in calm,
With the little grains of sand
Falling gently upon me;
But then The Enemy
Abruptly turns me upside-down
By flipping the hourglass
Back over, and with the
Suddenness of a desert storm,
Fear has decapitated Time,
Now the little grains of sand
Rain down upon me like
Splattering drops of blood,
As I carry my cross;
Our Lady of Love whispers
In my ear and encouragingly
Reminds me to approach
The Sea of Mercy
With great trust —
Just then Our Blessed Lord,
With a carpenter’s strong hands,
Gently yet firmly places
The hourglass back into
An upright position and
Time is resurrected to new life,
And so I continue to meditate upon
The Miracle of Divine Mercy.