Act IV
Faithful Florian,
let me tell you about
my latest adventures.
I captained a ship
called the Intrepid
from the port of
Mai Tornar,
due to a sudden storm,
our vessel was
struck with lightning
and caught fire.
The flames
that engulfed our ship
reminded me
of that eventful night
when you saved
Chiara’s life,
charging into the barn
as the wooden beams
holding up the roof
started to collapse.
But back to
my story.
Everyone was so focused
on the fire
that no one
was at the helm!
Just as the lightning flashed,
a man attacked me,
but with a dark storm
brewing around us,
I couldn’t
see him clearly.
At first I thought
I saw a ghost,
for he looked like
that old villain
I learned that
it was no ghost,
but was truly
Gonzalo himself.
I thought he died
like everyone else aboard,
and thought myself
the only survivor.
The ship hit a glacier
and the whole crew --
including myself --
fell into the sea,
but this was just
the beginning,
dear friend.
Then it began
to rain.
Lucky for me, when I turned
around, I saw my skiff floating
aimlessly in the water, so I swam
towards it with all my might.
I pulled myself in,
and I looked under the
old blanket that covered the
top and was happy to see that
my hidden chest was still there.
Then I looked quickly inside
to make sure my things
were all right,
and I saw that the
candle and scroll
were still there
and were still dry,
so I latched the chest shut
to protect them
from the rain.
In the distance
to the north
I could see
the flames of
Inferno Island.
I was carried
on the waves
directly towards
that island,
and I shuddered
with horror
as I remembered
Petrio’s words.
The closer
I got to the island,
the stronger was
the wind --
which almost seemed
to be purposely
steering me there.
The closer
I got to the island,
the stronger was
the rain that fell,
until I was about
a mile away
from the island,
and the terrifying tempest
twisted about me
as if in wicked glee,
with lightning
uncontrollably exploding
all over the sky
as if it were
going mad.
The thunder
became deafening,
and it sounded like
five hundred legions
of warships
were continuously
firing their
cannons at me.
It was as if some
unseen evil force
had caught me
like a wriggling fish
and were reeling me in
towards the isle.
The fiery red eye
of the volcano
seemed to stare
at me
as if it were
with me
So I approached the isle,
and I could vividly see
the black-sand beach
completely encircling it,
engulfed in
perpetual flames
that seemed to
welcome me with their
contorted and convulsive
dance of delight.
Only when the waves
crashed onto the shore
did the flames
briefly die out,
but other than that
the fire formed
a formidable fence
around the island,
as if it were a prison
of some sort.
I was on a collision course
with the coastline,
and I realized that
I was heading
right at those
furious flames.
A large wave was forming
underneath me,
so at the last moment
I leapt off my
battered skiff
and dove under
the surface of
the water.
I thrashed about
under the wave,
before it burst apart
on the beach.
I found myself
facing downward,
on the wet and toasty
black sand.
I quickly looked around
and saw that the flames
had been momentarily
murdered by the wave,
but after only
a few seconds,
I saw the flames already
returning to life again.
So I snatched my
chest and
clumsily crawled
and scrambled
off the beach
like a crab,
then I turned around
and sat up against a palm tree.
please pay attention
to what you
will now read,
for I’m certain
that it will utterly
amaze you,
much as it
has amazed me.
When I saw that the
wave had subsided,
and the ring of fire
had fully fenced me in,
I realized that
I was now a prisoner
inside this
fiery fortress.
But, oh, what an island!
As I turned and
looked about me,
I almost thought
that I was in paradise --
so different it was
from its forbidding exterior!
First of all,
I felt like I was in a
protective bubble.
Out on the sea it was
cold and windy and stormy,
but on the island
it was tranquil.
I could still see the
rapid-fire lightning flashes,
but they were silent,
and there was no thunder --
a very peculiar sensation it was!
I looked up,
and I could see
that it was night.
The sinister squinty eye
of the storm was
directly overhead,
and it must have been
about the same size
as the island itself.
It was a dark sky,
but I could see stars.
I could also see the clouds
of the cyclonic tempest
whirling like a giant
wheel overhead.
Thus, it was raining over
the Sea of Shadows,
but not over the island.
The temperature
was warm,
delightfully warm.
As I looked away from
the coastline,
and towards the
island itself,
I saw before me
what seemed to be a
tropical paradise.
I could see lush green
trees and shrubs
that had a unique
beauty to them,
and they wafted
to and fro
in the light breeze.
Here and there I saw
peaceful volcanic rivers
branching out from
the eye of the
The lava sleepily
crept down the mountain
and through the forest
like harmless serpents,
before they emptied out
into the sea.
They gave off just enough
light to create a
wonderfully romantic,
yet eerie,
It was the most
enchanting place
I had ever seen.
at the same time,
it was also the most
to top it all off,
the aroma of
exotic spices
filled the air.
It was hard not to
just how delicious
the fruit on this isle
must taste.
And then I noticed
that there were many
tropical fruit trees,
with large leaves
that were dark green,
and interspersed among them,
in great abundance,
was a fabulous flurry
of fantastical fruits.
They were round in shape,
about the size
of an orange,
but they were every color
of the rainbow,
even on the same tree,
and ready to eat.
I began to wonder
if all this fruit
was dangerous,
or if Petrio referred only
to a certain color of fruit.
As I was wandering
around in this paradise,
and musing upon these things,
I suddenly heard
a woman’s melodious voice
speak my name:
I turned around abruptly
as if I had been
and shot in the back.
When I saw this woman,
somehow I felt alarmed
by the sight of her.
She was strikingly
How can I describe
her to you,
She was leaning,
in a teasing position,
against one of the
blooming fruit trees.
Her long, wild whirl
of thick black hair
sensually swirled down
over her shoulders
and culminated in
a comely cluster of
sweet serpentine ringlets
that dangled
to the middle of her back.
She wore an alluring gown
that was blood red,
and it draped over
and clung to her
voluptuous goddess-like body
like smooth
liquid lava.
With her head angled slightly,
she looked askance at me
with a lustful left eye
that was as
black as midnight.
Then she slowly and
seductively sauntered
towards me,
walking on the island sand
with her bare feet.
Now that she
faced me head-on,
I noticed that her
right eye was a
different color
than her left one --
it was a
sultry sea green.
Those eyes of hers were
As she neared me,
the right corner of her lip
curled upwards playfully
in a suggestive smile
of conquest --
she was like a warrior
going in for the kill,
knowing her opponent
was no match for her.
Then she fired
her secret weapon,
a stunning, bright,
captivating smile.
When she saw
that I was
she continued,
in her melodic voice,
“My name is Thaliela,
and I am the queen of
the magic maidens.”
It was then that
I realized
that we were not
As I looked through the
green foliage,
I saw a myriad of
black and green eyes
peering at me
with curious delight.
Although I couldn’t
see them well,
I knew they were all
because of the
musical sound of
their delightful giggling.
Thaliela drew unusually close to me,
and then whispered.
She said,
“I know you have
a scroll and a candle
with you,
and I’ve been waiting
for you to bring them to me.
“You see,
I am
the Lady of Stellamare.”
When she spoke that name,
I felt a sense of confusion
deep inside of me.
I felt a sense of excitement,
but also of danger,
on this strange isle.
Then she made a proposal:
“If you give me your
candle and scroll,
I will make all your
dreams come true --
even my lips are flavored
with spices!”
I could feel the warmth
of her breath
upon my face,
and I drank in its aroma,
which was that of
exotic spices.
Her eyes were
wide open and
as she said this,
and she stroked her
sleek, silky fingers
across my cheeks
and onto my lips.
I was,
quite honestly,
and perplexed.
Thaliela had a magnetic
power over men
that was hypnotic,
and almost
She added,
“While you retrieve
your little treasures
for me,
I will prepare
unspeakable delights
and pleasures
for you.”
Next, she reached up
and plucked a
ripe red fruit
off of a nearby tree,
and its juice dripped like
bright blood
on her fingers.
She offered it to me.
I hesitated,
ever so slightly,
then took it in my hands,
which were moistened
by its sweet-smelling,
sticky juice.
I do believe
my hands were
quivering slightly,
and I immediately remembered
Petrio’s words of warning.
Thaliela persuasively urged me,
“Here… take this, Cassano...
eat of it.”
Then she drew even nearer
so that the tip of her
cool delicate nose
touched my
warm ear.
And she whispered,
even more softly,
“This luscious fruit
will help you relax,
and it will make our
time together
even more memorable.”
Then in a coy manner,
she stepped back slightly,
she slowly licked her lips,
she winked her black eye at me,
and briskly walked off
towards the interior of the island,
her hair bouncing in waves
as she strutted like a peacock
alongside the banks of a
lazy lava river.
Springing out of their
Hiding places,
The other magic maidens,
Like frolicking fairies,
Chased after her
In a sea of giggles.
To be continued tomorrow…