You agreed to marry Patricius the pagan,
Humbly submitting to your parents’ will,
You were very kind and generous to him,
Though he responded by treating you ill;
But about a year before leaving this world,
He finally accepted the Nicene Creed,
Through your example of faith and love,
His stubborn soul was finally freed.
However, you still had much work to do,
For your son Augustine broke your heart,
He was a teacher who was very arrogant,
And he strutted because he was smart;
But you vigorously persisted in prayer,
Fasting with tears over his empty life,
When he met the great Bishop Ambrose,
The Spirit pierced your son like a knife.
It was on Easter that the saintly Ambrose
Joyfully baptised your prodigal son
Who went on to become a Church Father,
And many victories over heretics won;
The end of your life was so very sweet
As Augustine treated you like gold,
You’re the patroness of motherhood,
And of your story many have been told.