Most holy,
Most high,
And Supreme God,
I am so sorry for hurting you:
I impudently spat upon your sorrowful face,
I violently scourged your most blessed body,
I scornfully crowned your holy head with thorns,
I savagely kicked you as you fell with the cross,
I cruelly crucified your flesh with stinging nails;
In short, I have bitterly tortured you
With every single one of my sins against you.
I despise and abhor
all my many sins,
Including any
I have withheld from you
in the past —
mortal sins or venial sins —
or never confessed honestly,
or forgot about;
And I accuse myself
of being guilty of
High treason
against your Majesty,
Deserving to be executed --
and exiled --
Because my sins offend you,
Lord God,
Who are all good,
supremely good,
Totally good,
who alone are good --
You deserve only
my heartfelt love
And blind obedience
to your holy will.
Therefore, I hereby make
this declaration and resolution:
I am absolutely and utterly
determined, through your
sweet holy graces and
Your unfathomable
Divine Mercy,
To be your humble
and obedient slave,
Through Mary,
the Queen of All Hearts,
And to be your faithful servant
who with promptitude
runs away from
The false enticements
of all sin and
The empty allure
of all temptation,
and, instead, I completely
surrender myself
Into your warm embrace,
and with a heart
bountifully overflowing with
Thanksgiving for your mercy
to me,
I receive your loving
kiss of peace.