Year in and year out she went to
Million-Dollar Doughnuts
and ate thousands and thousands
of their incredibly popular
one-of-a-kind doughnuts,
because people said
that sooner or later
they would make her
unbelievably happy.
But every single day she had
the same experience:
she took bite after tasty bite of
those irresistible doughnuts,
which were soaked in a
mysterious magical potion,
and then vivid visions
pulsated and rushed
through her intense imagination;
those decadent doughnuts
inebriated her mind with dreams
of wealth and riches
and silver and gold --
and she was drunk with delight;
but as soon as she reached
the hole in the middle,
the visions suddenly vanished and
she felt a desolate emptiness and
a depressing loneliness
which always left her
hungrier and thirstier
than she had been before.
In the end,
she died as she lived,
starved for love,
and when she was buried,
there was a hole in her body --
like the hole of a doughnut --
where once her heart had been.