A Prequel to “The Lady of Stellamare”
Act I
When Thaliela was six
Years old and her sister
Rosinella was five,
Petrio, the sage old prophet,
Paid an unexpected visit
To their happy family;
As they were all sitting
Around a fire on the hearth,
He told the young girls
What would happen when
They came of age.
If they chose well,
He said they were both
Destined to marry well,
To fine handsome young men,
And he explained the
Beautiful life that awaited them
When they finally came of age
At the ripe age of sixteen.
Rosinella clung tightly to
Every single word
That Petrio uttered,
While Thaliela was lost
In daydreaming and
Didn’t pay much attention.
When Petrio was almost finished,
He firmly cautioned each of them
Not to get distracted because
The river can be very deceptive;
He advised them to keep
Their attention and remain
Completely focused on
Safely reaching the promised one
That awaited each of them,
Always steering upstream
And not downstream,
But the impatient Thaliela
Didn’t hear a word he said.
Act II
There, in the distance,
Atop that mystical mountain,
Is a grandiose garden
That is ringed by a crown of
The most radiant roses;
From it gushes forth
A crystalline river
That sparkles in the sun
Like dazzling diamonds.
One day a dark-haired
Beauty who had
Glistening green eyes
Had come of age,
So she entered a little
Black boat and
Began to row.
It was Thaliela
And she looked forward
To finally meeting
Her future beloved
At the garden’s
Golden gate;
Indeed, far far above her,
Far beyond her view,
A fair-haired youth was standing
Amidst the glorious roses.
Thaliela started rowing
Uphill towards the garden —
That was the one thing
She did remember from Petrio —
But the water was so smooth
And so wonderfully silky
That she closed her eyes
And gradually fell asleep;
When she awakened,
Her boat had drifted
Far far downstream
From where she had started.
She noticed that the water
Had changed color and
Was now a pretty pink,
And she saw that
In the distance it
Was the fantastical and
Imaginative color of fuchsia.
Thaliela was captivated
By its vibrant color --
then fragrant fruit trees
Caught her attention,
And for quite some time
She became mesmerized by
The lush forest of fine fruit trees
That came right to the banks
Of the magical river;
The trees were loaded with fresh,
Sweet-scented tropical flowers
That bloomed forth like a
Veritable rainbow of color;
She closed her green eyes,
Smiled, and soaked in
These romantic delights with
A heart filled with wonder.
But she didn’t notice that
The river became steeper,
And the water was now
Traveling at a greater velocity;
Suddenly, Thaliela’s boat was jerked by
A powerful current that quickly
Snapped her out of her reverie;
Thaliela now found herself
Tumbling through blood-red rapids
That were alarmingly getting
Warmer and warmer;
A few minutes later, the water
Was starting to boil and
The boat started to burn;
As she looked for an escape
To the shore, she saw to her dismay
That everything had
Dramatically changed;
Tall twisted trees,
Blackened and charred
By the intensifying heat,
Hung their weakened
Arms over the fiery-red
River, as if imploring Thaliela
To paddle back upstream;
But it was too late,
Soon her little boat became
Frightfully disfigured,
Melting like molten wax
In the lava-like flood;
The wicked waters raged into
The rapidly-darkening gloom,
While storm clouds savagely
Circled the mountain
And lightning,
Falling like jagged spears,
Lit up the malevolent sky.
Then Thaliela, with her bloodshot
Green eyes feeling like
They were going to explosively
Burst like globular bubbles,
Screamed in terror as she
Plunged over the edge of the
Cliff and tumbled into the
Open jaws of the abyss,
But her chilling shriek was
Silenced as she gradually disappeared
Into the fiery lake below.
Act IV
It was precisely one year
After the mysterious
Disappearance of Thaliela,
And so, now it was
Rosinella’s turn to enter
The river since she had
Come of age and was
Sixteen years old.
Although she had no
Idea of what had become
Of her sister Thaliela,
She remembered clearly
The words of Petrio;
So she entered a white boat
On the river with a degree of
Fear and trepidation,
Wondering what would
Happen to her next;
She immediately noticed
That she was beginning
To drift slowly downstream,
So she took up the paddle
And began to row,
Steering the little boat
In the opposite direction;
She did so patiently,
With her beautiful arms
Pulling long, slow, elegant
Strokes through the water;
And so Rosinella rowed
For hour after laborious hour,
And although she was tired,
For some inexplicable reason
She actually felt that
She was getting stronger;
Rosinella was so focused
On Petrio’s prophecy
That she didn’t notice
That the terrain had
Totally transformed;
The shining sun was soaked up
By the sugar-white beaches that
Now lined both sides of the river;
A balmy breeze caressed the
Surface of the water,
And even the water had changed
Into a cloudy pearl color,
Seeming to breathe in
The sunlight and absorb it;
Rosinella noticed none of
These things but continued
Pressing on towards her goal
Like a determined athlete.
When the sun set and night fell,
She finally paused to rest;
Reclining in the boat, she
Looked up into the starry sky;
Clusters of stars brightened and
Conquered the black of night,
Then, one by one,
Several moons of various
Colors and sizes rose
Above the horizon --
But the most beautiful
Of them was surrounded by
An exquisitely gold ring.
Rosinella allowed all of this
To soak deeply into
The depths of her soul,
And the next morning,
She awakened from
Her restful slumber
With renewed strength,
So she untethered the rope
That had prevented her from
Floating downstream,
And continued on her journey.
After a short while,
Her surroundings were
Transforming yet again --
She observed it all
With wonder and delight.
Act V
The sandy beach was
Gradually tapering off,
And it was replaced by
Rich, verdant lawns
Along the banks of the river;
Then she saw the summit
Of the mountain and
Noticed that it was crowned
By a resplendent garden.
This garden was ringed
By a crown of rose bushes,
And flowing from the center
Of the garden was a stunning
Waterfall that was translucent,
And its color was aquamarine pearl;
Behind the waterfall there was a
Wall of gold that was trimmed
With silver, and decorated with
Colorful gemstones of every hue,
sparkling brilliantly through
The crystalline waters of the
breathtaking waterfall.
So Rosinella paddled gently
Until she reached a small
Pier at the base, and there
She stepped out of her boat;
When she did so, she suddenly
Became aware that she now
Wore a gown that was
Dazzlingly white, and
It was embroidered with
The very same gems that
She saw behind the waterfall.
Rosinella began to ascend a
Spiral staircase of gold that
Was trimmed with silver,
And the handrails were adorned
With fine little diamonds that
Sparkled happily in the sun;
She heard a soothing greeting
And eagerly looked up.
She saw a handsome,
Dark-haired young man
By the name of Paolesco,
Who was also dressed in white,
And she greeted him with
A sweet smile and twinkling eyes.
Rosinella slowly walked
Up the staircase to the
Glorious garden above,
And it all seemed like
A lovely dream to her;
When she stood before him
Face to face,
He knelt down and
Slipped the finest of rings
On her innocent finger;
Then it was her turn to
Kneel before him, and
He gently placed a stunning
Diadem upon her head;
With that, the wind danced
Between the two of them,
Rushing through the garden
With great jubilation.
It was worth the wait for Rosinella --
Her happiness knew no bounds
As she prepared to fulfill her
Destiny in a grand new life.